How to Select Your Payment Method And Become a Premium Instructor
If you are looking to become a premium instructor on this online learning platform, selecting a payment method is an important step. Here’s how to do it: …
Synkoc Course Quality Checklist
Synkoc course quality checklist that ensure that our online course meets the standards for a high-quality learning experience: Clear learning objectives: Our course have clear and measurable learning objectives that are communicated to our students at the beginning of the course. Engaging content: Our course content is engaging, well-structured, and …
Instructor Revenue Share
Synkoc offers an instructor revenue share of 80% and an admin revenue share of 20%, this means that for every sale of an instructor’s course, the instructor will receive 80% of the revenue generated, while the platform keeps 20%. For example, if a course is priced at Rs100, and a …
Instructor Promotional Agreements and Synkoc Deals
Instructor promotional agreements and deals refer to agreements between Synkoc and instructors to promote their courses and increase sales. These agreements can take various forms, including: Discounted pricing: Synkoc may offer promotional discounts to students for the instructor’s course, which can help increase sales and attract more students to the …
How to Become an Instructor: FAQ
To become an instructor on our platform, follow these general steps: Choose Our platform: First, check that your goals and needs as an instructor are align with our synko platform. Create an account: Once you have chosen our platform, create an account as an instructor. This may involve filling out …
Promote Your Course With Coupons and Referral Links
Coupons and referral links are effective ways to promote course and incentivize students to enroll. Here’s how we promote our course: Coupons: We Offer a discount to students by creating a coupon code for our course.Note Make coupons will have expiration date and with limit number of times the coupon …